Thursday, November 27, 2008

My kids love HORSES!

Last Tuesday my mom, kids, and I went up to Descanso to my friend Gillian's house to take the boys horseback riding... Selah had never even seen a horse before, and she was so brave- she kept reaching out to try and stick her fingers in Robin's (the horse's name) nose! Josiah was fine until the neighbor's horse came up to the fence and breathed on his neck... After that it was all over- anytime the horse came near him, he would scream his head off... But what was weird is that after all that, he still was brave enough to actually get on the horse's back and ride! And of course Brayden had the best time, he's always been my little cowboy... What I didn't get a picture of (I'm so bummed!) is the boys riding in the wheelbarrow filled with hay to feed the horses, and then feeding them hay from their hands... Even Josiah was doing it, because somehow, after he rode Robin, he wasn't afraid at all anymore... We had so much fun! (That's Gillian in the picture with Brayden)

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