Saturday, January 31, 2009

It's a...

BOY!! We had our ultrasound on Thursday, and (while it wasn't very clear to me) the ultrasound lady, Stella, said that our baby for sure has boy parts! We're super excited, although a little bit in shock, we really thought Selah would be getting a little sister to play with... But, I guess Selah is just going to be either a major tomboy, or a major princess... So, the Lewis count so far is Boys-4, Girls-2 (counting mommy and daddy of course- there's only one in there!)...

As for names, stay tuned... We have no idea yet what this baby's name will be... Every idea we have does not sound to me like our son... So who knows? Maybe we'll end up waiting until he's born to see who he looks like. It's funny to me, trying to figure out a name, because doesn't the Lord already know his name? I wish he'd tell us...

1 comment:

Josh and Emily Ketchum said...

Ahhhhhhh! another arrow in the quiver,I got some ideas for names, snowden, clever, innacent, happy,dumisani, maziko, kandwani, charo, blessings, bright, djuma, dyton, gift, wiseman, lusakero, tivert, beaven,let me know if you want some more names theres more ware that came from, and if it is a girl theres a list of those as well! miss you guys, josh